November 2023: Product updates
28 February 2025
We're pleased to announce the latest update to IRIS Recruitment.
These release notes contain a detailed breakdown of any new features or enhancements that have been developed, as well as any bug fixes that we have implemented. Our development teams release to production every 2 weeks on average, so our monthly updates contain multiple development releases.
Bugs may have been reported via the Support Desk, fed back to us internally, or found during our testing processes. Due to the bespoke nature of our software, there may be certain bugs reported that you haven't experienced in your system.
Jump to: New features | Bug fixes | Help centre
New features
Advanced Primary Reports
A year ago we launched our Primary Reports to provide you with in-depth and thorough reporting across the ATS system. We now have over 50 reports, covering topics including Vacancies, Applicants and Candidates, and Time to Hire. You can run these reports on demand, or use a scheduler to run and email them to recipients at specified times.
Our Implementation Specialists have been working to further utilise this functionality, and we are pleased to announce the following:
Advanced reporting capabilities
Incorporate 3 bespoke fields.
Currently available for Vacancy fields on all 3 new Primary Reports, and Cross-Application Questions in Applicants and Candidates > Advanced Application Report.
We will also soon be adding the ability to add Offer Fields to the Time to Hire > Advanced Report.
Specify driving dates for a report.
You are now able to specify the date parameter that influences the report, such as Vacancy Creation Date or Offer Date.
Define custom time to hire metrics.
You are now able to define custom metrics in Time to Hire > Advanced Report.
Select standard fields.
You can now select the standard fields for a report, for example, Counts in Vacancies > Advanced Vacancy Report, or Structure Level in Applicants and Candidates > Advanced Application Report.
New Primary Reports
We are pleased to announce 3 more Primary Reports with advanced configurability:
Advanced Vacancy Report
Advanced Time to Hire Report
Advanced Applicants and Candidates
To begin using these reports, contact our Support Team on 01943 661104. They will give access to a super user, who can then assign access throughout your organisation.
Coming soon
We are currently working on the following Reports:
Advanced ED&I
Advanced Offer
Vacancy Tracker
Keep up to date with our current projects on our Coming soon page.
Bug fixes
The following bugs have been resolved in the last month and are listed by release date. The reports are split into two sections: system bugs and bugs in the new design.
10th November 2023 – System bugs
22nd November 2023 – System bugs | 22nd November 2023 – New design
Due to the bespoke nature of IRIS Recruitment there may be bugs reported that you haven't experienced. If you have any questions regarding any of the bug fixes listed, please contact Support on 01943 661104.
10th November 2023 – System bugs
Issue | Description |
Social Media log in options on advert create Networx account |
Using the Linkedin option from an advert is creating a Networx candidate account rather than a client candidate account. |
PDF files aren't displayed when uploaded as application form | PDF files uploaded as application form aren't displayed or option to download in Application tab. |
Employment duration incorrect on candidate account. | Employment duration showing incorrectly for candidates when viewing their applications. |
Incorrect default branding being set if users structure level does not have a brand set | Client’s old branding is still displaying for client users as incorrect default branding being set if users structure level does not have a brand set. |
Candidates able to apply for vacancies which are set to cannot apply | Candidates are able to apply for vacancies which have been published as Cannot Apply when the vacancy shouldn’t be available on Indeed. |
Vacancy expiry not displaying on advert | On the advert it shows ‘This is a permanent, full time vacancy that will close in {x} days at {xx:xx} BST’ when it should display the number of days before the vacancy expires and the time it expires. |
Interviewers merge field no longer available for Self-Selection email templates. | When editing the self-selection emails templates, the Interviewers merge field is no longer available. This means that the emails won’t display the interviewer the candidate will be booking an interview with. |
Agency able to submit duplicate applications. | Agency is able to submit applications for candidates who’ve already applied to the vacancy. |
Job description not pulling through onto VSP microsite page | When accessing the website, the job description isn’t being displayed on the Vacancy fields, when the job description should be displayed based on the setup of the microsite. |
Importing lookups is causing duplicates in lookup data | Using Replace when importing a lookup, is adding each entry as an individual entry rather than grouping matching values as one entry. |
Panel folders displaying incorrect numbers | Incorrect counts for Applicant Scoring folders after changing panel users. |
Auto email workflow task not triggering automatically | Auto email task isn’t being triggered in a vacancy even though the preceding task has been completed. |
Agency users unable to load interview slots | Agency user unable to book interview slots for candidates due to a time out error occurring in the background. |
22nd November 2023 – System bugs
Issues | Description |
Candidates unable to access incomplete applications | Candidates unable to access incomplete applications, as this is returning them to the client’s microsite and an error is occurring in background. |
Error when reordering candidate extract fields | Unable to reorder fields in a candidate extract template, as this is causing an error. |
Interview emails using client email address rather than structure email address | Incorrect email address being used for interview emails sent to candidate. The email address in the structure level should be used as the Email from address. |
Employment duration incorrect on candidate account | Employment duration showing incorrectly for candidates when viewing their applications. |
Assigned to field doesn't show when adding Document Signing task | When adding a Document Signing task to an offer workflow, doesn't include the Assigned to field. You have to save the task then edit it to set this. |
22nd November 2023 – New design
Issue | Description |
New design: Error when selecting Next without uploading a document in Create Vacancy. | System stuck and displaying loading wheel when trying to move past Document without a uploading file. |
Help centre
Coming soon
Planned maintenance