Manage Vacancy Authorisations
The Authorisation process allows you to request and get approval for vacancies that you need to fill. There is a clear audit trail that shows you who has authorised or rejected the request.
You can:
Request a vacancy
Go to Vacancies > Vacancy Authorisation.
Follow the steps in Create a vacancy.
Edit a request that's in progress
If someone in the chain is absent from the business but the request still needs to be authorised, you can interrupt a request that is in progress and change people in the chain.
To edit the chain, on the dashboard select Current Vacancy Authorisations.
On the In progress tab, select Edit.
Select Place on Hold then select Authorisation Chain.
Remove an authoriser by selecting Remove. To add a new authoriser, select Add Authoriser.
Change the order of the chain by dragging the names up or down the list.
Select Resume Process. Select Restart to start the process again with the first person in the chain. Select Resume to continue the current process.
Edit a form
On the In progress tab, select Edit.
Select Place on Hold then select Authorisation Form.
Select Edit Form then select Yes.
Amend the form as required then select Save.
Select Start Process.
Authorise or decline a request
Requests are sent via email and, for those who have access, they are also available from the dashboard.
Via email
Select the link in the email.
View the form and add any additional information in the Notes box.
Select Authorise or Reject.
From the dashboard
Go to Vacancy Authorisations Requiring My Response and select the number of vacancies link.
On the To Authorise tab, select View.
View the form and add any additional information in the Notes box.
Select Authorise or Reject.