Lookup type maintenance
Lookup tables are lists of data that you can call upon in various areas of the system such as vacancy authorisation or a field in Vacancy Details.
You can amend them when circumstances change. You might add a new store location, or adjust cost centres or salary ranges.
They can be simple (1 column of data) or more complex (several columns of data that link to multiple vacancy fields where each column determines what values can be picked in the next).
If you amend values, it will have an effect on all of the dependencies that use that table of data such as a vacancy’s details or an offer form.
Go to Settings > Forms > Lookup Type Maintenance to check the dependencies of a lookup.
Maintain lookups
Go to Settings > Forms > Lookup Type Maintenance.
Locate the lookup you want to change and select Edit.
Here's an example of a basic lookup with 1 column of data.
To add a new value, select Add Data, enter the value and select Save. The value is added in alphabetical order.
To edit an existing value, select Edit, change the value and select Save.
To remove a value, select Delete. Select Delete again to confirm.
More complicated lookups could contain several columns of data that populate concurrent vacancy fields.
In the example below, if you select a cost code you can then select one of two salary ranges in the fields they are linked to. You might see this in an Authority to Recruit form for example.
To add a new cost code and salary range, select Add Data, add both values and select Save.
To add another salary range to a cost code, select Add Data, add both values and select Save.
The cost code must exactly match the one you want to add the new salary range to.
To update a salary range on a cost code, select Edit, change the value of the salary range and select Save.
If you have a complex lookup, when you edit select Rename to change a value before you save.
Import and export data
You can add to a lookup or completely replace the values exporting the data, by amending it and then importing it.
Select Export to download the .csv file.
Make the required changes to your file and select Save.
Select Import and select Update or Replace.
Update will add to what is already there. Replace will swap out the old data for the new.
If this is a CSV file that you have built from scratch (not exported from a lookup), you will need to ensure that column A1 in the sheet contains the following; [%LookupTypeData%].
Select Import then navigate and select your file. The new data is shown.