Submitting Big Ideas

Screenshots are taken from a test system and may not match your system exactly.

The Big Ideas portal allows you to submit an idea for the suite. It is accessible to Set Rights users from Help > Big Ideas.

Our product team read and evaluate your ideas as part of the roadmap process. Although we cannot implement all the ideas, the Big Ideas portal provides a great source of feedback to help us plan future versions of our product.

We look at the top voted ideas that are within the scope of our solution and ideas which may not have received as many votes, but would still benefit the product.

Big Ideas Statuses

There are several statuses within the Big Ideas portal.

New Idea

An idea with this status means it has not yet been reviewed by a member of the IRIS HR Professional product team.


When you submit an idea to the portal, you receive an acknowledgment from us to confirm we have received your submission and will evaluate your idea. If needed, we may make slight changes to the title or description. We also merge the idea with any others if they are of the same nature. This means all the votes can be collated together.

Under Review

If the product team feel this is a great idea, it is moved to Under Review. We then think about the best way to achieve this suggestion within the product. We may well ask for clients to add their thoughts by way of questions in the comments. Doing this allows us to refine the requirements for the idea so we can be sure to produce the best solution to suit as many customers as possible.


Once the requirements for the idea have been finalised and it is possible to create this feature/enhancement, it will moved forward to the Planned status. If a release version is known we add it at this point.


The idea is moved to Released once the idea has been developed, tested and released to clients. The release version will be added at this point and all votes will be handed back.

Already Exists

If a new idea is submitted and it's already possible in the product, a comment is added and the status marked as Already Exists.

Will not Implement

If after consideration, the product team cannot find a way to create this in the product, or it does not meet the current strategic direction of our roadmap, it is moved to this stage.


The product team will delete any ideas that meet the following criteria.

  • Marked as Will not implement

  • 5 years old

  • No votes

This will be done in January of each new year.