Absence limitations

Some validations are not supported when creating or updating an Absence / Absence Day.


The API only supports direct inserts, and the record creates as if entered directly by an administrator. The Data Change Audit also populates.

Requires Entitlement Record Check

In IRIS Cascade, the Attendance Category contains a flag which indicates whether the Category requires entitlement. This is not checked when you create or update an Absence record in the API. It is possible to create an absence without any entitlement for the employee, covering the absence date.

Remaining Entitlement Check

In IRIS Cascade, on the Entitlement Profiles Admin screen, the profile has a property When Attempting to Book More Than Entitled to, which allows you to choose if the system can create the absence if the employee does not have enough Entitlement remaining. This is not supported, the Absence record either updates or creates.

Key Person Blocking

This is not supported. The Absence either creates or updates without a check of the key person blocking.

Allow Overlap

In IRIS Cascade, it is possible to mark the Attendance Category as Allow Overlap. The API does not check this flag and will overlap Absence Records even if it is not flagged.

Open-Ended Absence Records

These are supported, however, can only POST / PUT records that are not older than 366 days. If the Open-Ended absence is over this age, it needs modifying in IRIS Cascade directly.

Auto Create Entitlements When Req.

IRIS Cascade can create a new Entitlement record for employees when they do not have one active. For example, when booking in the next year. This is not supported, the Absence record creates without an Entitlement record.

Supported Absence Screens

The screen the Absence is added, uses the following logic:

  • The Cascade Category sets the Holiday property to true and adds it to the HOLIDAY screen.

  • The built-in Cascade Categories "Study" and "Exam" add to the STUDY/EXAMS screen.

  • The Cascade Category has the Absence property set to true and this adds to the ABSENCE screen.

  • The built-in Cascade Category "Flexi Leave" adds to the FLEXILEAVE screen.

These rules are in order of priority. The system actions the first one set as true.

For the relation between Cascade Categories and Types to API Absence Reasons, refer to Absence reasons category and type hierarchy.

As the API cannot validate the screen that is supported at the time of the POST, it may fail to create in IRIS Cascade, and the API record will roll back.

All other absence screens are not supported.

Supported Absence Reasons

Absence Reasons are Attendance Categories and Attendance Types in IRIS Cascade. Refer to Absence reasons category and type hierarchy for more details.

Absence Updates

  • You cannot change the employee on an existing Absence. To do this, you must delete the Absence and create a new one for the new employee.

  • You cannot change the Absence Reason (Cascade, Attendance Type) on the Absence. To do this, you must delete the Absence and create a new Absence for the new Absence Reason.