Update IRIS Financials Purchasing - Release 6.0.281 (October 2023)

This release improves IRIS Financials Purchasing performance and security.

Update the software

PS Cloud customers, this IRIS Financials Purchasing release is being made automatically by the PS Cloud team.

On-premise customers to update, you must install the following package using the latest version of IRIS AutoUpdater.

Use IRIS Autoupdater build 0.11.1 or later to install the ALL_PS Purchasing_Build 600.0.281_Patch General Release.abp package.

Release Notes

New Features


Fixes and Updates

  • Improved security
  • Improved performance and loading times when updating and posting documents
  • When removing line items and saving, item line details from a copied line no longer display
  • Resolved errors when saving server web address in Reporting URL
  • Resolved errors when searching for documents awaiting approval or posted to the register