Emailing Supplier Statements Using Remittance Emailer
In IRIS Financials the Remittance Emailer module is used to email and print remittance advices for distribution to suppliers that are based on a previously defined paylist. Payments that have been posted manually (i.e. using a document input form) are not identified by Remittance Emailer. If the payment for a supplier has not been allocated for any reason (for example, if you want to change the accounting period for a specific invoice), the paylist stamp is removed from the supplier, which means that they do not appear in the search for that paylist and therefore a remittance document would not be produced or emailed for that supplier.
Before using Remittance Emailer, there are some settings that need to be configured for each user. For more information, please see Configuring the Emailer Suite Product.
- Log into Remittance Emailer as described in Logging into Remittance Emailer. The Remittance Emailer window is displayed.
- Enter the required search criteria as described in Selecting Documents and Accounts in Remittance Emailer.
- The paylist is displayed, select Expand (+) adjacent to the paylist name to view the list of suppliers/people included in the paylist.
- Select the check boxes adjacent to the accounts you want to send remittances to. If you hover over the Mail icon, the email address for the account is displayed. If you double-select on the Mail icon, you can edit the email address. For more information, please see Adding or Amending Email Addresses in the Emailer Suite.
- If you want to preview the remittance before sending it, right-select on any line and select Preview Report. To print a copy of the remittance advice, select the Print Remittance icon on the toolbar (select the required printer by selecting the drop-down arrow adjacent to the icon).
- To send remittance emails to the selected accounts, select the Email Remittance icon, then select the correct SMTP option from the drop-down list.
- The Emailing Complete dialog is displayed, as shown in the following graphic, to confirm the emails have been sent. Select Close to return to the list of remittances. For the remittance(s) you have sent, the status shows Emailed.
- If you receive the following error, please see Dealing With The Report Generation Failed Message.