State pensions and benefits (SA100)

This section is used to enter state pension and benefit entitlements for the year.

Refer to the HMRC Tax return for Self Assessment guidance if needed (opens in a new tab).

  1. Go to Clients > Client List and find the required client.
  2. On the Self assessment returns widget on the client dashboard, select the required return. The Status tab is shown by default.
  3. Select the Data input tab, then select Add new section.

    Any previously added sections are crossed through. Once added, the section can be edited by selecting its name.

  1. On Choose a section to add, under Other non-savings, select State pension & benefits.

  2. Complete the information as follows, then select Save changes.

State pension

  • Entitlement for year – enter the amount of state pension that you were entitled to receive for the tax year.

  • Lump sum – if you deferred your State Pension for at least 12 months and chose to receive it as a one-off lump sum in the tax year, enter the gross amount. (A state pension lump sum does not get added to your taxable income so does not increase your total taxable income.)

  • Tax paid on lump sum – enter any tax paid on the lump sum payment.

State benefits

  • Taxable Incapacity Benefit and Employment Support Allowance – include the taxable amount of any incapacity benefit from form P60(IB)(U) or P45(IB)(U). Incapacity benefit is not taxable in the first 28 weeks of incapacity, nor if the incapacity began before 13 April 1995 and Invalidity Benefit would have been payable. Also include contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance and ESA Time Limited Supplementary Payment (NI only) from form P60(IB)(U) or P45(IB)(U) from the Departments for Work and Pensions.

  • Tax taken off Incapacity Benefit – enter any tax taken off the Incapacity Benefit paid.

  • Job-seeker’s allowance – enter the taxable amount of Job-seeker’s Allowance found on a P60(U)(IB) or P45(U)(IB).

  • Widow’s Pension or Bereavement Allowance – enter the amount of the pension or allowance received.

  • Widowed Mother’s or Widowed Parent’s Allowance – enter the amount of the allowance received.

  • Industrial Death Benefit Pension – enter the amount of pension received.

  • Carer’s Allowance – enter the amount of allowance received.

Statutory pay

  • Statutory Sick Pay – enter any SSP that has been received, unless it was received from an employer (in which case include it in the employment section).

  • Statutory Maternity/Paternity Pay – enter any SMP that has been received, unless it was received from an employer (in which case include it in the employment section).

  • Statutory Adoption Pay – enter any SAP that has been received, unless it was received from an employer (in which case include it in the employment section).