Gift aid payments section (SA100)

This section is used to enter any gift aid payments. Don't include any amounts paid through payroll giving.

  1. Go to Clients > Client List and find the required client.
  2. On the Self assessment returns widget on the client dashboard, select the required return. The Status tab is shown by default.
  3. Select the Data input tab, then select Add new section.

    Any previously added sections are crossed through. Once added, the section can be edited by selecting its name.

  1. On the Reliefs tab, under Charitable giving and pensions, select Gift aid payments.

  2. For each payment, complete the following information, then select Save changes.

  3. A new line is automatically added. Unwanted lines can be deleted using the bin icon.

  • Name of charity – enter the name of the charity to which the payment is made.

  • Payments made this year – enter the total payments made to the charity in the year. This should include payments made this year that are to be treated as paid in the previous year, but exclude any payments made next year which are to be treated as paid this year.

  • One-off payment – tick the box if the payment is a one-off payment.

  • Amount of payment to carry back to previous year – if the payments entered for this year include an amount to be treated as paid last year, enter the amount here.

  • Payment made next year treated as paid this year – enter any payments that are made in the following year that are to be treated as paid this year.

  • Country – if the charity is not a UK charity, enter the country in which the charity is registered. Leave this column blank for UK charities.