Deal with HMRC rejected tax returns

If HMRC reject the tax return, the tax status is automatically set to Rejected by HMRC and the error message (or messages) from HMRC are shown.

Usually, this occurs where an error has occurred that could not be detected or checked prior to submission. Common issues are:

  • You have incorrectly entered the Government Gateway credentials, or are using the wrong credentials for the type of tax return.

  • The tax return has been previously submitted and you did not select the option to indicate that you were filing an amendment.

  • Some key information is incorrect, such as a UTR that is not recognised, or a Company Registration number does not match the one that HMRC have on file.

If the credentials were wrong or there was some other error with the submission that was not related to the content of the tax return, correct the applicable details and select Submit again to retry the submission.

For most other errors, such as not specifying that the submission was amended, or an unrecognised UTR, you will need to:

  1. Cancel and unlock the tax return.

  2. Fix the issue, then resubmit.