Cancel submitted tax returns

If you need to make any amendments to a return that has already been submitted, you must first cancel the submission. Once this has been done, you can then amend and resubmit the tax return.

Select Cancel this submission and IRIS Elements Tax and Accounts will ask you to confirm that you wish to remove the IRmark and unlock the Tax Return. If you confirm the cancellation then the Tax Return will be unlocked and the Review & File process will return to the initial validation stage, and a new IRmark will be generated when you prepare the return for filing.

Unlock a CT600 return

  1. Select the Review & File tab.

The following messages may be displayed:

  • Tax return is locked and waiting for client approval

  • Tax return has been approved by the client and is waiting to be filed

For both messages the process is the same.

Should the message state ‘Tax return has been accepted by HMRC‘, follow the guidance for Amending a Tax Return.

  1. Select Cancel this submission.

  2. Confirm the cancellation.

    You will be returned to the Review & File tab, where the return will show the option ‘Prepare for filing‘, the tax return is no longer locked and is available for updating and editing.

  3. Return to the Data Input tab and confirm the status of the tax return.

Unlock self-assessment returns

  1. Select the Review & File tab.

The following messages may be displayed:

  • Tax return is locked and waiting for client approval

  • Tax return has been approved by the client and is waiting to be filed

For both messages the process is the same.

Should the message state ‘Tax return has been accepted by HMRC’, follow the guidance under Amending a Tax Return.

  1. Select Cancel this submission.

  2. Confirm the cancellation.

You will be returned to the Review & File tab, where the return will show the option Prepare for filing, the tax return is no longer locked and is available for updating and editing.

  1. Return to the Data Input tab and confirm the status of the tax return.

Unlock a rejected return

To unlock a rejected return:

  1. Select the Review & file tab.

  2. Select Cancel this submission.

  3. Confirm that you wish to cancel the submission.

Return to the Data Input tab. Here you will be able to see the status of the return. If the status is locked then no data changes will be possible, you will need to unlock the return in order to make changes.