Upload and download practice documents

You can upload practice documents such as contracts, document templates, terms and conditions, etc. Once uploaded, you can then download a copy to view, save, archive or send the document. You can also drag and drop practice folders and documents to add them.

  1. Go to Documents > Practice documents, then select Upload.

  2. Either drop the document where shown or choose Select file, then find the required file.

    You can also drag and drop a file or group of folders and documents from your file explorer anywhere onto the page.

  3. An upload message is shown and closes when the upload is completed.
  4. To preview, save or send the document. select the document name. You can also download multiple documents as a zip file to view, save or send to a client.

Download single documents

  1. Locate the document you want to download, from a client page, or the practice documents or uncategorised documents folders.

  2. Select the document to display a preview, then select Download.

If the document cannot be previewed, for example a spreadsheet, a message asks if you want to download the document instead