Locate your online filing passwords ahead of migration from Taxfiler

To submit tax returns and file accounts electronically in IRIS Elements Tax & Accounts, you'll need to set up online filing passwords or connect to HMRC.

For security reasons, these passwords and connections are not pulled into Elements during migration. If you've forgotten your login details, you can find partial information in Taxfiler and use this to contact Companies House or HMRC to recover your passwords.

To file accounts

To file accounts online with Companies House, you need a Companies House online filing presenter account. This is an account used specifically for filing online, and is not your regular Companies House account.

Locating your Presenter ID in Taxfiler

You can find your Presenter ID in your Taxfiler account by going to the cog menu > Online Filing Passwords > Add Companies House Credentials.

Your Presenter ID will appear if you've saved it before, but the Presenter authentication code will not show for security reasons.

If you don't know or can't remember your authentication code, email your Presenter ID to Companies House at chdfinance@companieshouse.gov.uk.

To submit tax returns

To submit tax returns to HMRC, you will need a Government Gateway Agent ID and Password for your HMRC Agent Services Account (ASA).

Locating your Agent ID in Taxfiler

You can find your Government Gateway Agent User ID in your Taxfiler account by going to the cog menu > Online Filing Passwords > Add HMRC Credentials.

Your User ID will appear if you've saved it before, but the Password will not show for security reasons.

If you don't know or can't remember your Government Gateway password, follow the advice given on the HMRC website for recovering this information.

Next steps

When you have all the necessary details and have signed up for your Elements account, you can set up online filing passwords for personal or corporation tax returns or accounts, and connect to HMRC to submit VAT returns.