Record beneficial owners

Easily capture the details of the beneficial owners, officers, or managers (BOOMs) who are approved by the relevant supervisory authority or via a third-party criminality check.

A beneficial owner is... 

  • a sole practitioner
  • a partner or LLP member who holds (directly or indirectly) 25% or more capital, profits, or voting rights, or who exercises ultimate control
  • a shareholder in a limited company who holds 25% or more of the shares or voting rights, or who exercises ultimate control

An officer is... 

  • a sole practitioner
  • a partner in a partnership (including a Scottish Limited Partnership (SLP)
  • a member in a limited liability partnership (LLP)
  • a director or company secretary in a limited company
  • a member of the firm’s management board or equivalent

A manager is... 

  • the nominated officer (MLRO)
  • the member of the board of directors or equivalent management body 
  • any other principal, senior manager, or member of a management committee responsible for setting, approving or ensuring the firm’s compliance with the firm’s AML policies and procedures

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