Add compliance officers

You can enter the details of any specific compliance officers (if you have them) to keep track of their positions and appointment dates.

The compliance officer must have been added as a user of IRIS Elements.

  1. Go to Practice compliance.

  2. From the Compliance list, select Compliance Officers. Any existing compliance officers are shown.

  3. Select Add officer.

  4. Select the User from the list (mandatory).

  5. Select the Compliance officers type from the list (mandatory).

  6. On the Compliance offers type list, choose whether the officer is a Money laundering reporting officer (MLRO), Data protection officer, or an Assistant MLRO.

  7. Select the Date of appointment or enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format (mandatory).

  8. Select the Date of cessation or enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format. You can leave this empty unless you know the date that the compliance officer assignment will end.

  9. Select Save