Choose Students Invited to Parents' Evening

Set Up Parents' Evenings — Step 4 Back to Step 3

  1. The student must be selected as the recipient to invite their parents and carers.

    Select the required recipients from any of the following:

    To find specific recipients, Filter the lists, or use Search.

    Recipients option When to use
    Year/ Registration Group

    Displays students by year, then registration group.

    Use to:

    • Send invites to parents and carers
    • Select all or specific students
    Timetabled Classes

    Display students by timetabled class.

    Use to:

    • Sendinvites to parents and carers
    • Select all or specific students

    Only available if IRIS Reach is set up to import timetabled class data from your Management Information System (MIS).

    Custom Groups

    Only displays groups your organisation A school, multi-academy trust (MAT), single academy trust (SAT), club, nursery or organisation that uses the software. has created. Lists can include any type of contact.

    Use to:

    • Send invites to parents and carers of students from specific groups, such as art club, drama club, SENCo groups, and so on.
  2. Next, choose which appointments each staff member are available for.