Deal with Missing Contact Details
There are several lists that can be produced from Data Management, which identify contacts with missing (or invalid) email or postal addresses.
Contacts are considered to be contacts when stored in your Management Information System (MIS) as either Priority 1 or as having Parental Responsibility. For more information, go to Use Contact Details for Communications.
Select the required menu option to produce the applicable list. A page named according to the chosen menu option is displayed listing students with missing contact email or postal addresses.
Students are listed, together with their Reg group, Contact Name and when the Last Letter was sent (this identifies whether a letter requesting the missing information has been sent or not).
When the list has been produced, you can either add the missing data to your MIS if known, or send a letter or message to the person A parent, legal guardian, carer, or someone responsible for a student. to request the missing information. When the information is received it should be added to your MIS, which synchronises with IRIS Reach overnight.
Missing Telephone Numbers
There are several lists that can be produced from Data Management, which identify contacts who have missing contact numbers.
Contacts are considered to be contacts when stored in your Management Information System (MIS) as either Priority 1 or as having Parental Responsibility. For more information, go to Use Contact Details for Communications.
Select the required menu option to produce the applicable list. A page named according to the chosen menu option is displayed, listing students with missing contact numbers.
Students are listed, together with their Reg group, Contact Name and when the Last Letter was sent (this identifies whether a letter requesting the missing information has been sent or not).
When the list has been produced, you can either add the missing data to your MIS if known, or send an email or letter (or message) to the person to request the missing information. When the information is received it should be added to your MIS, which synchronises with IRIS Reach overnight.
Send Letter or Message to Request Contact Information
To send a letter or message, either search for an individual student using Search or select each required student (you can also select All to select all students or select None). You can also filter by year. Select the required year, then select Filter by Year.
When the required students have been selected, select Send Letter Automatically creates and downloads a PDF version of the message. or Send Message. This sends a group letter or message. For more information, go to Send Parent Communications.