Responses to Absence Alerts
Absence alerts A MyEd app message, text message, email, or automated phone call. are sent to parents and carers, asking them to provide reasons for their student's absence. Responses are delivered to the IRIS Absence Call Module for IRIS Reach used to manage sending alerts for absent students. Inbox.
- Go to Inbox, then select Absence.
- For the required student, select the Message.
(Optional) To respond to the message, enter a Reply, then to send select Go.
To use a message template in your reply, select an option from Message Preset A list of template messages either provided by IRIS Absence Call or created by your organisation..
Did you know?
If your organisation A school, multi-academy trust (MAT), single academy trust (SAT), club, nursery or organisation that uses the software. uses the direct auto-link with SIMS for IRIS Absence Call An automated call made to parents and carers of selected students when they are absent., you can write back the responses to SIMS. For more information, contact your IRIS Software Group account manager.