Set Up Supervisor Meals Payment Type

If staff members are entitled to supervisor meals (SVM), a Wallet for the SVM payment type must be added to their account.

After adding the staff member as an IRIS BioStore Portal customer or importing their details from your Management Information System (MIS) do the following:

  1. Go to Customers.
  2. Find and select the required staff member.
  3. Select Payment Types.
  1. Select Add Wallet.
  2. If required, add an Overdraft or Max daily spend limit.
  3. If the Currency is different to the default, select the required option.
  4. From Wallet Type, select SVM.
  5. If the wallet is the default payment type for the staff member, select Enabled.

    If Enabled cannot be selected, the default payment type is already set. To change the default payment type, save the wallet details, then change the default setting from the assigned wallet.

  6. To save, select Submit.