Managing Text Message Templates

The new Messaging feature is now available and will replace Email and SMS very soon. To avoid any disruption, we recommend you start using the new Messaging feature now. For more information, go to Messaging Getting Started Guide.

If the same text message content is regularly sent out, for example, notices for school trips, cancelled clubs, absence reminders, and so on, a template can be created to save time when creating messages.

Accessing Message Templates

Text message templates are located under SMS > Templates.

Select a template from the list to:

  • Use — Create a new message using the selected template details.
  • Edit — Edit the selected template.
  • Delete — Delete the template.
  • New Template — Create a new template. This option takes you to the Compose an SMS Template page.

Creating Text Message Templates

To create a new template, do the following:

  1. Go to SMS > Create Template.

    Note that you can reach the same page by selecting New Template when viewing an existing template.

  2. Enter a Subject to help identify the template within IRIS ParentMail (limited to 200 characters) — note that this is just for identifying purposes in IRIS ParentMail and is not sent to recipients.
  3. Enter the message body.

    Use the provided options to insert personalised fields placeholders — these are replaced with the recipient's information when the text is sent.

    IRIS ParentMail - Create SMS - Use Placeholders

  4. When you are happy with the template, select Save.

Editing Text Message Templates

To edit an existing template, do the following:

  1. Go to SMS > Templates.
  2. Select the required template.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Adjust the content as required, then select Save.

Deleting Text Message Templates

To delete an existing template, do the following:

  1. Go to SMS > Templates.
  2. Select the required template.
  3. Select Delete.
  4. Select Delete to confirm.