Transfer Balances
If a parent or carer requests a part of or the full balance of a student's account is transferred to another student's account, you must use the Balance Adjustment Tool.
- Go to Registers, then select Balance Adjustment Tool.
From Select Register, select the register balances are being adjust for.
To only display the balance for the student or staff member's account being adjust, enter their name in Search by name.
- For the student the amount is being transferred from, in Adjustment, enter the total amount being transferred using a negative value, for example -10.00.
- Enter the Reason for the adjustment.
For the student the amount is being transferred to, in Adjustment, enter the total amount being transferred using a positive value, for example 10.00.
The amount entered must be the same as the amount being transferred from the other account.
- To confirm and make the adjustment, select Save.