Add Option Groups to Menu Templates

You can add as many option groups as required for a Day or Week template. For each new group you want to add, select + Add Option Group.

We recommend adding a group for each menu category, such as, Main Meals, Desserts, Drinks.

  1. To identify what group the meal options belong to, enter a meaningful name in Option group name.

    The Option group name is displayed to parents and carers when ordering meals through their IRIS ParentMail account.

  2. Option groups are automatically set as Required — this cannot be cleared from the first option group created. If a selection from additional groups is not Required, clear the setting from those additional groups.

    If more than one option group is required, create them in order where the first one is always a mandatory selection.

  3. Enter the menu item for all required options in Option Name.

    At least one option must be entered for each group. To add more options, select +Add Option.

  4. To charge prices for options in addition to the register price band, enter the amount in Additional Price.
  5. For meals with ingredients that affect allergens, you must assign allergen types — select Allergens.
  6. To share any other information about the option with parents, carers, or staff members, + Add Optional Info, then enter the details.
  7. Continue creating the Menu Day or Week template.