Joining Video Appointments

Video appointments can only be accessed through IRIS ParentMail accounts. A device with a webcam must be used when joining appointments.

Staff members must have the View Video Calls permission granted for Manage pem.

All video appointments automatically end at the scheduled time.

Join Video Appointments as a Staff Member

For more than one teacher or staff member to attend the same video appointment, they must be together in person and logged into the IRIS ParentMail account the appointment is assigned to.

  1. Log into your IRIS ParentMail account.

  2. Select Video Appointments.
  3. Select Join for the relevant appointment.

Join Video Appointments as a Parent or Carer

Parents and carers attending the same appointment using separate devices, must log in using the account of the person who booked the appointment.

  1. Log into your IRIS ParentMail account.
  2. Select Video Appointments.
  3. Select Join for the relevant appointment.