Managing Sent and Archived Emails

The new Messaging feature is now available and will replace Email and SMS very soon. To avoid any disruption, we recommend you start using the new Messaging feature now. For more information, go to Messaging Getting Started Guide.

Sent emails are stored in IRIS ParentMail until they are archived or the data retention limit is reached.

A data retention period of 12 or 24 months is determined in IRIS ParentMail. When the data retention period has expired, the email is automatically deleted.

Viewing Sent Emails

You can view emails you have sent from IRIS ParentMail. Sent emails can be forwarded, archived, or used to create a new email.

  1. Go to Email > Sent.
  2. Select the email you want to view from the list.

    The message of the email is displayed, including any attachments.

    From here, you can:

If the email contained attachments, you can:

  • Select the attachment to view the details.
  • Select Delete to remove the attachment if the file has not already been opened.

    When deleted, the attachment is still accessible from IRIS ParentMail accounts and personal inboxes but an error message is displayed when they try to download it.

Viewing Archived Emails

Archived emails are only available for viewing. They cannot be forwarded as a new email.

  1. Go to Email > Archive.
  2. Select the email you want to view from the list.

    From here, you can:

Viewing Recipients

When viewing sent or archived email recipients, the following information is available:

IRIS ParentMail - Sent Email Recipients


  • Sent — The total number of this email sent.
  • Paper Copies Needed — The number of paper copies that were produced.
  • Regarding — The name of the student. If the email is not sent about a student, N/A is displayed.
  • Received by — The email recipient.
  • Status — How the email was sent:
    • Sent — Emailed to the recipient
    • Read in App: Date and Time — Sent to recipient's IRIS ParentMail app account, and the date and time the message was read
    • Paper Copy — The recipient requested paper copies to be sent to them
    • Duplicate — If the email was regarding a student, the email was sent to the other contact for the student as Send per Family was selected

If required, select Download Recipients to create a CSV file containing the data from Regarding, Received By, and Status.