Process Rejected Non-Order Invoices

IRIS Financials Version 7 Users

There may be instances when a non-order invoice is rejected by the approver in IRIS Purchasing. This may be due to the incorrect details being entered on the invoice or if the goods/services on the invoice are no longer required. If a non-order invoice (EPI) is rejected by the approver, you have a few options:

  • Request a credit note from the supplier.
  • Amend and re-send the EPI document for approval.
  • Cancel the EPI if it has been raised in error.

The invoice remains in the Register period until it is manually moved and reversed or re-sent for authorisation.

This topic explains the recommended best practice of dealing with rejected EPI documents for both scenarios.

Request a Credit Note from the Supplier

When the invoice has been rejected in PS Accounting by the authoriser, it remains in the Register period.

Do not move the invoice into an accounting period until the credit note has been processed. This ensures the invoice is not paid in error and any VAT is not included in a VAT return.

When an EPI document has been rejected, you receive an email notification from IRIS Purchasing. If the goods or services on the non-order invoice are no longer required, you need to contact the supplier and arrange for a credit note to be issued to cancel off the invoice.

When the credit note arrives:

  1. Log in to PS Accounting, then select Options > Document Input from the menu.
  2. Select the Purchase Credit Note for your location from the Document Type drop-down list.
  3. If your establishment/organisation's financial policy is to approve purchase credit notes, please select Purchase Credit Authorisation from the Input Form drop-down list.

    If authorisation is not required, please select Purchase Credit from the Input Form drop-down list.
  4. Click the Document Date drop-down arrow, then select the date shown on the supplier's credit note.
  5. Select the applicable accounting period in Document Period, then click OK. Where possible, it is recommended you use the same period as the invoice.
  6. The Purchase Credit document input form is displayed. Complete the information, then press F5 to post.

    If an approver has been selected, the document posts into the Register period. If no approval is required, it posts straight into the applicable accounting period.
  7. If the purchase credit note requires approval, an email is sent to the approver requesting they authorise the document in IRIS Purchasing. When the purchase credit note has been approved, it is moved out of the Register period into an accounting period.
    You can now manually move the EPI document out of the Register period and allocate to the purchase credit note.
  8. Select Options > DocumentEnquiry from the PS Accounting menu.
  9. The Selection Criteria dialog is displayed. Select Equals from the Types drop-down list, then enter EPI in the right-hand field.
  10. Select Equals from the Numbers drop-down list, enter the applicable document number, then click OK.
  11. The Document Enquiry window displays the document. Right-click on the grey box next to the document type, as shown in the following graphic, then select Move from Register from the pop-up menu.
  12. The Document Input dialog is displayed. Enter an applicable accounting period in Document Period, then click OK.
  13. The PSFJournal document input form is displayed populated with the details of the document. Hold and press Shift and F5 to post.
  14. The Account Enquiry window is displayed. The EPI document is highlighted in green. This indicates the document is in allocating mode. Left-click on the grey box adjacent to the applicable credit note.
  15. The credit note then highlights in green. Click Confirm to allocate the documents together.
  16. The documents disappear from the Account Enquiry window. If you check the supplier account, you can see they are allocated.