Creating a New Security Role

CUSTADMIN access only

Typically, all the security roles required by your establishment/organisation have been set up as part of your system installation. However, there may be occasions when a new role needs to be created, perhaps when a new nominal, ledger, or cost centre has been created.

To create a new security role:

  1. Launch the Financials Administrator module by selecting Admin > Administrator from the menu bar in IRIS Financials. For added security, you will be prompted to login again with your System Administrator account details.

    Alternatively, select Start > PS Financials > Financials Administratorand log in using the CUSTADMIN/PSFADMIN credentials.
  2. The PSF Administration dialog is then displayed. The left-hand panel contains an explorer view of the system, including the databases and user groups. The right-hand section provides access to view/edit applicable security information.
  3. Highlight the PS Financials folder then select the Roles tab.

  4. Either scroll to the end of the list, or right-click and select Insert from the pop-up menu. In the Role column, enter a code for the role (up to 12 characters with no spaces – the underscore can be used). It is advisable to be consistent with any existing naming conventions.
  5. Enter a description of the role so that it can be easily identified in the Title column.

  6. Repeat for any additional security roles required.
  7. Click the Apply button to save the roles.

Once created, you can then assign the security role to a user group and restrict access to data as required. See the How to - Assign Security Roles to User Groups article for more information.