Security Roles for Accounts, Nominals, and Ledgers

CUSTADMIN access only

Selecting which security roles can access data

Security roles are used to apply security restrictions at ledger, nominal or account level. Without them, any user with the applicable access level can view and maintain the data.

Using the Security tab on each ledger, nominal or account maintenance dialog, you can determine which security role can view, modify or post. You can either apply the setting to the ledger, which will enable access to all the ledger accounts within that ledger, or to specific ledger accounts, such as specific suppliers in the PURCHASE ledger.

If no security roles are selected, then all users with appropriate access levels can carry out all the functions (view, modify, post, etc).

Security roles can be assigned to multiple nominals and accounts. It is therefore strongly recommended that you check what nominals/accounts can be accessed by the security role before assigning it to a new user group. You may for example want to assign a security role to give users access to a particular nominals, but in doing so, they will have access to all the other nominals to which the security role has been assigned.

Choose from the following options:

Assigning Security for a Cost Centre (Account Security)
Assigning Security Roles for Nominals (Nominal Security)
Assigning Security Roles for a Ledger (Ledger Security)