Resetting a User's Password

CUSTADMIN access only

This guidance is only for IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2103 or earlier. If using version 7.0.2223 or later, go to Reset User Passwords.

Users can change their password whenever required. However, if they forget their password, you need to reset it for them. If you want to change your own password, please see Changing Your Password.

If a user has forgotten their password, you need to reset it for them via the Administration module.

  1. Select Admin Modules, then select Administrator form the menu.
  2. The PSF Administration Logon dialog is displayed. Enter your applicable admin username and password, then select OK.
  3. The PSF Administration dialog is displayed. The left-hand panel contains an explorer view of the system, including the databases and user groups. The right-hand section provides access to view/edit applicable security information.
  4. Expand the explorer to identify the required user group and user. If required, right-select on the User Groups folder, select Find User from the pop-up menu and enter the user's ID.
  5. Select the required user name to display the User tab.
  6. Enter a new password, then select Apply or Save And Close if you have finished editing.
    Make sure the new password conforms to your establishment/organisation password policy.
  7. Notify the user of their new password. They are prompted to change the password once they have logged in.