Print Cheques or Confirm being Filled Out

Payment Runs - Step 5 Back to Set Up Payment Runs

To make the payments added to a payment list, either fill out the cheques or print them from IRIS Financials.

Cheques must only be filled out or printed for payment lists in Media ready to print or Waiting for media approval state.

If you are using cheques from a cheque book, to update the payment run State as Done, confirm the media has been successfully created.

To print cheques from IRIS Financials:

  1. Go to Payments, then select Payment Run History.

  2. Select the required payment run, then PRINT CHEQUES.
  3. Select the cheques to be printed.

    It may take a few moments for the cheques to display. If they do not display, close the Cheque Printing and Payment Run History windows, then start the process again.

  4. PRINT the cheques.

    Printed or filled out cheques that require authorisation must be approved before confirming they were successfully created.

For each printed cheque:

  1. If the cheque has printed on a different cheque number to the one displayed, to edit the cheque number:
    1. Select the Pencil icon.
    2. Enter the number in Cheque #.

      Cheque document types are usually set with a controlled number range. If the cheque number being entered is different to the numbers in the set range, the range must be updated.

  2. To confirm the cheque has printed successfully, select Tick.

    To make cheques that did not print successfully available to print again, select Cross.

  3. SAVE the updates.