Creating and Maintaining Document Types and Input Forms

CUSTADMIN access only

Document Types determine the document input form that is displayed when entering various payment information into the software. Each document input form is created from a UDI (User Defined Input) template.

Creating and maintaining document types and input forms consists of the following:

Accessing Document Types

Creating a New Document Type

Linking an Input Form to a Document Type

Editing a Document Type

Importing a New Input Form

Accessing Document Types

  1. Select Maintenance, then select Document Types from the menu.

  2. The Document Type Maintenance window is displayed. Existing document types are displayed in the left-hand panel. Either select an existing document type to edit or create a new document type. For more information, please see Creating a New Document Type and Editing a Document Type.

Creating a New Document Type

This guidance is only for IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2103 or earlier. If using version 7.0.2223 or later, go to Create Document Types .

You need to create a new document type when you get a new cheque book that contains cheque numbers that have previously been used, or if you open an additional bank account from which you are making payments.

  1. On the Document Type Maintenance window, select ADD NEW, then select DOCUMENT TYPE.
    If the new document type has the same settings applied as those applied to an existing document type (for example, creating a document type for an additional location), you can copy the existing document type to create the new document type. Select the document type you want to copy from the left-hand panel, select ADD NEW, then select DOCUMENT TYPE (COPY).

  2. A <New item> is displayed in the left-hand panel and automatically selected. Enter a code (limited to 4 characters) for the document in Document type. (The code entered should include the 2 digit location code for multiple location establishment/organisation's.) Enter a title for the document in Title, for example BACS Payment.

  3. Next, select the Number Ranges tab, then select an option from the Number sequence drop-down list. In the following example, Automatic isselected by default.
    The following options are available for Number sequence:

    • None - allows a document number to be entered when the document is created.

    • Automatic - automatically assigns the next available document number to the document type.

    • Ranged - (used for cheque book ranges) allows a document number to be entered when the document is created from the cheque numbers specified in the range.

    • Controlled - (used for cheque book ranges) automatically assigns the next document number from the cheque numbers specified in the range when the document is created.

  4. A range is displayed in the number range panel, select the range, then (if required for a specific range, for example, the numbers in a cheque book range), enter the first number in the range in First number, the next number to be available when the document type is next used to enter a payment in Next number, and the last number in the range in Last number.

  5. Next, to ensure payment terms are taken into account when posting payments for accounts that have payment terms applied, select the Default Posting Options tab, then select Use payment terms. Then to allow the document type to be posted with 'hold' status, select Allow Held status.

  6. Next, to allow users to input information into the document type, select the Security tab, then select Input allowed, then select SAVE. The document type can then be linked to the required input form(s). For more information, please see Linking an Input Form to a Document Type.

  7. An Update complete message is displayed. Select OK to close the message and return to the previous window.

Linking an Input Form to a Document Type

  1. Select Documents, then select UDI Settings from the menu bar.

  2. The UDI Settings window is displayed. Select the required document type from the left-hand panel, select the Input Forms tab, then select ADD NEW, then double-select to select the required input form from the Select an input form dialog. In the following example, Purchase Payment, has been selected.

  3. The input form is listed in the Title panel and automatically selected. From the Purchase Payment panel, select the user groups you want to have access to the input form for that document type, then select SAVE.

  4. An Update complete message is displayed. Select OK to close the message and return to the previous window.

Editing a Document Type

  1. On the Document Type Maintenance window, select the document type you want to edit from the left-hand panel, then select EDIT. In the following example, LLB1 - BACS Payment, has been selected.

  2. If a field remains greyed out you are unable to change the details. Amend the fields required, then select SAVE.

  3. An Update complete message is displayed. Select OK to close the message and return to the previous window.

Importing a New Input Form

New document input forms are created in UDI Designer and can be imported or a an existing UDI document input form can be imported from another database.

  1. Select Documents, then select UDI Settings from the menu.

  2. The UDI Settings window is displayed. To import the new input form, select IMPORT UDI.

  3. The Import UDI dialog is displayed. Select Drill (...) in UDI File Path to display the Select a file dialog, find and select the UDF file containing the input form to be imported, then select Open. The Form Name is automatically populated. If required, to amend the form name, select and overwrite the details in Form Name, then select OK.

  4. The Import Succeeded message is displayed. Select OK to return to the UDI Settings window. The imported UDI is then available and can be linked to a document type by selecting it from the Select an input form dialog.