Approve Payment Runs

Payment runs that require authorisation must be approved in IRIS Financials when:

  • The payments must be checked before media is created
  • The media must be checked before it is uploaded to the bank or issued

For Waiting for approval or Waiting for media approval payment runs: 

  1. Find the payment run.
  2. (Optional) To check the payment run details, from VIEW DETAILS, choose either:
    • PAYMENT DETAILS — Display the original payment documents included in the run
    • MEDIA DETAILS — Display the bank total and documents with Paid status for the run
    • ALL DETAILS — Display all original, paid, and bank total documents for the run

    To check the media file or cheques, open the saved bank format file or ask for the printed or filled out cheques.

  3. To approve the run or media, next to the State, select the Tick icon.

    If the payments or media cannot be approved, reject the payment run.