Extracting a List of Supplier Email Addresses

You may need to obtain a list of all supplier email addresses, for example, to contact all suppliers to advise them about a change at your establishment/organisation. You can then use this to email suppliers via a mail merge using Microsoft Word and Outlook. If you are using alternative word processing or email software, you need to view their help sites for further assistance. For more information, please see Extracting Supplier Email Addresses for Using in a Mail Merge.

Extracting a list of supplier email addresses consists of the following:

Checking the Supplier Information is Correct

Extracting a List of Supplier Email Addresses

Checking the Supplier Information is Correct

Before extracting the supplier email address information, it is important to check that the supplier email address information is correct. The information is extracted from E-mail in the General tab of each supplier account.

Any email address in the DOCEMAIL or REMEMAIL fields on the Analysis Fields tab are not displayed on the report.

  1. Select Maintenance, then select Accounts from the menu.

  2. The Select a ledger dialog is displayed. Double-select to select PURCHASE - Purchase Accounts.

  3. The Account Maintenance window is displayed. Select the required supplier account from the left-hand panel. The General tab is automatically selected, then check the email address displayed in E-mail in the Contact Details panel.
    If there is no email address displayed, or the email address requires updating, select EDIT, enter or overwrite the details in E-mail, then select SAVE.

Extracting a List of Supplier Email Addresses

Supplier email addresses are extracted by running the Supplier List report in the Reporting Suite. You must have Reporting Suite Version 6 Build 003.7 or later installed in order to use this report. Please contact the Support Team if you do not have this version.

You must be logged in to IRIS Financials as using the CUSTADMIN login to ensure all supplier accounts are visible.

  1. Select Modules, then select Reporting Suite from the menu.

  2. The IRIS Financials Reporting Services Browser window is displayed. Select Supplier List from the Additional Reports panel.

  3. The Supplier List report criteria panel is displayed. Select the location you want to run a supplier list report for from the Please select the Location drop-down list.

  4. Next, select the ledger to which the supplier accounts are linked from the Please select a Ledger drop-down list.

  5. When the criteria for the supplier list report has been entered, select View Report.

  6. The PURCHASE Details Report is displayed. Select the Save icon, then select CSV (comma delimited) from the drop-down menu.

  7. Save the file to a suitable location on your computer. If you are using or connected to a remote desktop server, you need to copy and paste the downloaded Excel file to your own PC after it has been saved.