Update: IRIS Financials - Release 1880
IRIS Financials update available May 2022. This release includes the following new features and fixes for known issues:
New Features
Added Include Register Transactions field on Criteria dialogs (where applicable). You can now include register documents with regular accounting period on Enquiries
Authoriser now displays on register documents in a new AUTHUSER column
Added the option to remove currency symbol from Enquiry results. Refer to Removing the Currency Symbol from Enquiries for more information
Documents on a draft payment run are highlighted magenta on Enquiries. If a document is on multiple draft payment runs, these will display in the Payment Run column separated by a comma
The Allocation dialog now displays the Description field to help with identifying documents to match together
Keylist Title now displays when grouping in an enquiry
Fixes and Updates
IRIS Financials software migrated to DotNet (.NET) Framework 6.0 (also known as .NET Core)
Enquiry results windows no longer disappear behind the parent window. For example, when running a Detail Enquiry from your Favourites menu, the results window would disappear back behind the Favourites window
If the active database has not been backed up in 2 weeks or more a warning displays. This has been removed following customer feedback
Users that do not have access to Register documents can no longer right-select and select Move to Books on Enquiry dialogs
Selecting REFRESH on the Bank Reconciliation now de-selects any active selections you are in the process of making. A warning displays asking you to confirm the refresh
Fixed an issue where opening a second instance of IRIS Financials from the task bar produced a SSL Connection error
The Free and Used fields in the Licence Assignment dialog are now hidden when using concurrent licencing, as this was causing confusion
Fixed interment issue preventing users from subscribing to notifications
Fixed an issue where the Pattern validation set on a Ledger is being ignored, when creating accounts
Moved the error indicator on payment run and VAT return wizard so it no longer covers the values
Fixed an issue where VAT values were not displayed on the Close Tax Account page when using the VAT return wizard
DAFs can now be selected when disposing of a fixed asset where applicable
An account can now be selected when entering an adjustment value on the VAT return
Fixed issue causing unreconciled cashbook items not to display on the bank reconciliation
Fixed a fatal error when opening Role Maintenance when a database does not have the same tables as others in the active databases list
Nominal Budget Details tab now refreshes and displays the correct budget after the budget is edited
Search fields are now empty by default instead of being pre-populated - all available options are now displayed
Removed option to save a payment run to a worklist following customer feedback
Show Allocation from a Document Enquiry no longer causes a fatal error if the detail is linked to a payment run or a budget transaction
Newly added ledger accounts can now be deleted providing no transactions are posted to them
Select All on enquiry criteria dialogs now remains selected for all subsequent drill down enquires from the initial selection
Privacy policy added to Financials for collection of customer data and its purpose
New accounts containing blank analysis fields, subsequently followed by analysis fields that do contain values no longer error when saved
Blank spaces inadvertently typed after entering a nominal or account will be automatically removed when the document is posted
Documents with repeating VAT values now display the correct Account values when posted