IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2258 — August 2024

The following updates were made to IRIS Financials during August 2024:

Install IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2258

Use IRIS Autoupdater to install the ALL_IRIS Financials_Build 2258_CLIENT General Release.abp and ALL_IRIS Financials_Build 2258_SERVER General Release.abp packages.

New Features

Confirmation of Payee

For customer and supplier accounts, you can now validate the authenticity of the bank details provided using Confirmation of Payee checks.

For more information, go to Confirmation of Payee Release Notes.

Remove Hold Menu Option on Detail Enquiry

For documents with Held or H status, an option to Remove Hold has been added to the menu when right-clicking the detail line.

Cross Reference Criteria Options for Enquiries

To allow activity of one supplier for a specific cost centre to be displayed when using enquiries, Cross Reference Ledger (X Ledger) and Cross Reference Account (X Account) options have been added to the Nominals and Accounts criteria tab.

Fixes and Updates

  • Matching issues resolved when using REFRESH AND RETAIN with Match one to one for multiple pages during Manual Bank Reconciliation.
  • Ledger List values are now displayed correctly when Separate Nominals is selected in the criteria.
  • Changes made to the Account or Nominal in Budget Details now save and display updates correctly.
  • Accounts and Nominals now only display in Budget Details if the user has been assigned to a role or group with Security settings for them.
  • Bank reconciliation has been split into separate items in the Banks menu for automatic and manual reconciliation:
    • For automatic reconciliation, select Bank Reconciliation.

      An option to go to the manual reconciliation screen is displayed at the end of the automatic reconciliation wizard.

    • For manual reconciliation, select Manual Bank Reconciliation.
  • Period States are being automatically applied to all periods if not already assigned. For more information about Period States, go to IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2103 — October 2023.

Removed Features

For the changes to split the options to automatically or manually complete bank reconciliation into separate menu options, the following features have been removed:

  • For automatic reconciliation, on the Bank Reconciliation wizard the Auto Reconciliation option has been removed.
  • For Manual Bank Reconciliation, the RETAIN AND REFRESH option has been removed as it is now done automatically.