Topping up the Petty Cash Tin

The nominals and ledgers in this topic may be different to those in your chart of accounts.

When topping up the Petty Cash tin, the amount to top up is the imprest amount minus the amount of cash currently in the tin. This ensures that the tin is topped up to the imprest amount each time.

When the top up has been posted, you should be able to allocate the top up document with all of the expenditure items since the tin was last topped up.

The top up of the petty cash tin is recorded using a document input form. The following document input forms are available, depending on how the cash was extracted from the bank account:

  • Multi Petty Cash Reimbursement document input form - used to record a payment made to more than one petty cash tin using a cheque.

  • Petty Cash Reimbursement document input form - used to record a payment made to a single petty cash tin using a cheque.

  • PSF Journal - used to record any other form of payment to top up the petty cash tin, for example, cash taken directly from the bank account.

This topic assumes you are familiar with selecting and completing document input forms. For more information, please see Completing Document Input Forms.

Topping up the petty cash tin consists of the following:

Recording a Cheque Petty Cash Tin Payment

Recording a Petty Cash Tin Payment

Recording a Cheque Petty Cash Tin Payment

  1. Select Documents, then select Document Input from the menu.

  2. The Document Input dialog is displayed. Select Drill (...) in Document type, then double-select to select ASC1- Cheques (where AS represents the location of the document type) from the Select a document type dialog.

  3. Select Drill (...) in Input form, then double-select to select either Petty Cash Reimbursement for a single petty cash tin payment or Multi Petty Cash Reimbursement for a payment to more than one petty cash tin from the Select an input form dialog.

  4. The next available cheque number is displayed in Number. This must match the number on the actual cheque used for the payment. To change the cheque number, enter or overwrite the number on the actual cheque in Number.

  5. The Date and Period default to today's date and the current accounting period. The date must be the same date as the date on the cheque, select the Date down arrow, then select the required date from the calendar. The period must be the period in which the payment was made, select Drill (...) in Period, then double-select to select the required period from the Select a period dialog.

  6. To confirm your selections, select OK.

  7. The selected document input form is displayed e.g. Petty Cash Reimbursement, populated with the details entered in the Document Input dialog.

  8. Double-select in Bank, then double-select to select the required bank account from the Select AST_BANK account dialog (where AST represents the location code).

  9. Double-select in Petty Cash Tin, then double-select to select the required petty cash tin from the Select AST_PCASH account dialog (where AST represents the location code).

  10. The Document Date defaults to the date entered in the Document Input dialog. If required, to change the date to the same date as the date on the cheque, select the drop-down arrow, then select the required date from the calendar.

  11. Enter the value of the payment to the petty cash tin in Value, e.g. 100.00 (do not enter any currency symbols i.e. £, $, etc.)

  12. A description for the payment is automatically populated, if required, you can change this by selecting in Description, then entering the required description.

  13. An Account Summary on the right-hand side shows the Current Tin Balance, the Reimbursement Value, and the New Tin Balance.

  14. When you have entered all the details of the payment, press F5 or select POST to post the document.

  15. A blank Petty Cash Reimbursement document input form is displayed. Enter the details of another payment or select X to close the window. The posted document is displayed in the Documents Posted panel. Select the document link in Documents Posted to view the transaction(s) in a Document Enquiry.
    You can then allocate the transaction to any petty cash expenditure documents, which deducts the funds from the bank account and places them into the nominated petty cash tin. For more information, please see Allocating and Unallocating Documents.

Recording a Petty Cash Tin Payment

  1. Select Documents, then select Document Input from the menu.

  2. The Document Input dialog is displayed. Select Drill (...) in Document type, then double-select to select ASGJ - Journal (where AS represents the location of the document type) from the Select a document type dialog.

  3. Select Drill (...) in Input form, then double-select to select PSFJournal from the Select an input form dialog.

  4. The next available document number for the document type is displayed in Number.

  5. The Date and Period default to today's date and the current accounting period. The date must be the same date as the date the payment was made, select the Date down arrow, then select the required date from the calendar. The period must be the period in which the payment was made, select Drill (...) in Period, then double-select to select the required period from the Select a period dialog.

  6. To confirm your selections, select OK.

  7. The PSFJournal document input form is displayed populated with the details entered in the Document Input dialog.

  8. First, debit the petty cash control account. Double-select in Nominal, then double-select to select AST9420 - Petty Cash Control Account (where AST represents the location code of the nominal) from the Select a nominal dialog.

  9. Next, select the petty cash tin to which the payment was made. Double-select in Account, then double-select to select the required petty cash tin from the Select AST_PCASH account dialog (where AST represents the location code).

  10. Enter the debit amount of the payment in Value, e.g. 100.00 (do not enter any currency symbols i.e. £, $, etc.), then enter zero (0.00) value in User Value.

  11. Enter a description to help identify the payment in Description, e.g. Petty Cash Top Up 24/02/2021.

  12. Next, you need to insert an item row to credit the source (bank account) from which the cash was taken. Select in Userfield 3 on the 9420 nominal row, then press Tab or select INSERT ROW.

  13. Double-select in Nominal, then double-select to select the required bank nominal (typically the 9400 nominal) from the Select a nominal dialog. In the following example, AST9400 - Bank - Bank Current Account (where AST represents the location code of the nominal) has been selected. You do not need to select an account for the bank nominal row.

  14. Next, enter the credit (minus) amount of the payment in Value, e.g. -100.00 (do not enter any currency symbols i.e. £, $, etc.), then enter zero (0.00) value in User Value.

  15. Enter a description to help identify the payment in Description, e.g. Petty Cash Top Up 24/02/2021.

  16. When you have entered all the details of the payment, press F5 or select POST to post the document.

  17. A blank PSFJournal document input form is displayed. Enter the details of another payment or select X to close the window. The posted document is displayed in the Documents Posted panel. Select the document link in Documents Posted to view the transaction(s) in a Document Enquiry.
    You can then allocate the transaction to any petty cash expenditure documents, which deducts the funds from the bank account and places them into the nominated petty cash tin. For more information, please see Allocating and Unallocating Documents.