FE Workforce Census Data

The following information is collected as part of the FE Workforce Census submission, and must be checked and completed in PS People.

To check or enter the data: 

  1. Go to HR Record, select Credentials, then FEW Employee Details.
  2. Select the relevant tab to enter the details for the following: 

    If the staff member's details do not need to be included in the FE Workforce Census submission, select Exclude Submission.

    Exclude Submission must only be used for the following reasons:

    • The staff member does not have a contract of employment within the census time-frame
    • The staff member is agency staff, self employed, or freelance
    • The staff member works through an intermediary, such as a personal service company
    • The staff member's role does not directly support learning, for example, caterers or maintenance
    • The staff member provides education or training not funded through one of the appropriate funding models
  3. Save any details that have been entered or changed.
  4. Configure the FE Workforce Census in PS People.

Staff Data

Staff data is required for all staff members within scope.

Data Collected Mandatory What Data to Enter in PS People
Campus Identifier or Campus ID No Enter the UKPRN number for the organisation where the employee works
First Name Yes

Populated from the employees HR Record.

To change the details, go to HR Record, then select HR Record, then Personal Details.

Last Name Yes
Date of Birth Yes
Gender Yes If the gender on the employee's HR Record matches an FE Workforce Census option, the details are automatically populated. If not, a Gender must be selected.
Ethnicity Yes If the ethnicity on the employee's HR Record matches an FE Workforce Census option, the details are automatically populated. If not, a Ethnicity must be selected.
Disability Yes An option must be selected from Disability.
Main Role Yes Must be set in the Job Role tab. For more details, go to Job Role Data.
Most Senior Leader Yes
Number of Contracts Yes Must be set in the Contact tab. For more details, go to Main Contract.
Employment Start Date Yes
Current Position Duration Yes
Further Education Duration Yes
Employment End Date No
Reason for Leaving No

Job Role Data

Job role is required for all staff members within scope. A maximum of 5 job roles per employee can be submitted.

Data Collected Mandatory What Data to Enter in PS People
Role Yes

An option must be selected from Role. To enter the details for additional job roles, select Add.

Sub Role Yes

An option must be selected from Sub Role.

Main Role Yes If the staff member has more than one job role, the Main Role must be selected.
Most Senior Leader Yes If the staff member is the head of FE Provision for the provider, Most Senior Leader must be selected.
FTE No For staff members on permanent or fixed term contracts, enter the proportion (between 0.01 and 1.5) of Full time Equivalent (FTE) standard weeks they are contracted to work. If they have multiple roles, FTE should amalgamate to form one FTE.

Teacher Data

Only required for staff members with the following roles or sub roles: 

  • Advanced Practitioner
  • Instructor
  • Lecturer
  • Practitioner
  • Teacher
  • Trainer
  • Tutor
Data Collected Mandatory What Data to Enter in PS People
Main Subject Taught Yes - Required Roles Only The subject the teacher spends most of their time teaching must be selected in Main Subject Taught.
Highest Qualification Taught Yes - Required Roles Only An option must be selected from Highest Qualification Taught.
Highest Qualification English Yes - Required Roles Only An option must be selected from Highest Qualification English.
Highest Qualification Maths Yes - Required Roles Only An option must be selected from Highest Qualification Maths.
Highest Teaching Qualification Yes - Required Roles Only An option must be selected from Highest Teaching Qualification.
Teacher Qualification Studied No If the staff member is studying for a teacher qualification, select an option from Teacher Qualification being Studied.
Teacher Qualification Funding No For staff members studying for a teacher qualification, an option must be selected from Teacher Qualification Funding.
Professional Teaching Status Yes - Required Roles Only An option must be selected from Professional Teaching Status.
Industry Experience Duration Yes - Required Roles Only An option must be selected from Industry Experience Duration.
Current Industry Experience Yes - Required Roles Only To determine if staff members currently work in industry alongside their role in further education (FE), an option must be selected from Current Industry Experience.

Participated in DfE Programmes Data

Only required for staff members with the following roles or sub roles: 

  • Advanced Practitioner
  • Instructor
  • Lecturer
  • Practitioner
  • Teacher
  • Trainer
  • Tutor
Data Collected Mandatory What Data to Enter in PS People
DfE Programme Yes - Required Roles Only

DfE programmes the staff member has participated in or benefited from during the academic year, must be selected for DfE Programme.

Add or Remove programmes as required.

Main Contract

Main contract details are required for all staff members within scope.

Data Collected Mandatory What Data to Enter in PS People
Number of Contracts Yes An option must be selected from Number of Contracts.
Annual salary Yes - If no hourly rate set In Annual Salary, enter the staff member's latest gross annual salary, including any applicable London weighting, for their main contact only.
Hourly Rate Yes - If no annual salary set In Hourly Rate, enter the staff member's latest gross hourly rate, including any applicable London weighting, for their main contact only.
Pay Rise Yes If the staff member received any form of pay rise during the last academic year outside organisation wide increases, Pay Rise must be selected.
Week Contracted hours No

In Weekly Contacted Hours, enter the number of hours for staff members on a permanent or fixed term basis.

If the staff member has more than one contract, the details should be entered for the contact with the most hours.

Contract Type Yes

An option must be selected from Contract Type.

Employment Start Date Yes Enter the Employment Start Date of the staff members latest period of employment. For TUPE staff members, enter the original start date.
Employment End Date No If the staff member has left your organisation during the academic year of collection, their leave date must be entered in Employment End Date.
Current Position Duration Yes The length of time up until the 31st July for the collection year the staff member has worked in current position must be entered in Current Position Duration.
Further Education Duration Yes The length of time up until the 31st July for the collection year the staff member has worked in further education must be entered in Further Education Duration.
Reason for Leaving No If the staff member has left your organisation during the academic year of collection, their Reason for Leaving must be entered.
Weeks a Year Contracted to Work No

In Weeks A Year Contracted to Work, enter the number of weeks, including paid holiday, the staff member is contacted to work.

Where payment is spread across 52 weeks, the number of contacted week must be entered not the 52 weeks.

If the staff member has more than one contract, the details should be entered for the contact with the most hours.