Viewing a Prepayment Breakdown
Some Of the nominals and ledgers used in this topic may be different to those in your chart of accounts.
Once a prepayment has been posted, you can run a Detail Enquiry on the Prepayments nominal to view a breakdown of the prepayments that have been posted. This can be useful to check that the prepayments have been allocated to the correct periods and that none are missing.
- Select Enquiries, then select Detail Enquiry from the menu.
The Detail Enquiry Criteria dialog is displayed. Select Equals from the Nominal drop-down list.
Select Drill (...) in Value 1, then double-select to select the applicable Prepayments nominal from the Select a nominal dialog.
Next, select the Periods tab. Ensure the Period Range drop-down list is set to All, then select OK to run the Detail Enquiry.
A list of transactions posted to the Prepayments nominal is displayed in the Detail Enquiry window. Using the filter drop-down list from the Description column, select the applicable item that has been prepaid.
All prepayment documents that have been posted relating to the applicable document that has been prepaid are displayed. If you need to move any prepayment documents, please see Dealing with Prepayments Posted to the Wrong Period.
Documents are posted to the REG.REG (Register) period when the required accounting period either does not exist or has not been opened. For more information, please see Moving a Prepayment from the Register Period.