Attendance wizards
Use the Attendance in the wizard bar to:
Wizard | Use to... |
Assign Out of School | Mark a student out of school. This is useful if a student is booked into a school trip on a future date. |
Print a Fire Register | Produce a list of all students, displayed in your selected groups. Keep a printed copy of this list to hand to use as a register in the event of an emergency. Select to display existing student registration status recorded for AM and PM registrations, if required. |
Print a Paper Register | Generate a paper register for a selected group of students. This can be used for off-site school trips. |
Take a Register | Take a register. |
View Out of School Report | View a report on students = marked out of school for today's date. You may find it useful to keep an up to date printed copy of this information alongside the fire register. |
View Registration Status Report | Display an attendance report. Students are listed for the dates and registration periods selected. |
Use the Student Manager > Quick View Details wizard if you want to quickly access basic student attendance details.
If multi divisional timetables are being used, staff can only access the registration wizards for the divisions that they are assigned to.