Former student family details

Once you have opened a former student record in the Pupil Manager module, use the Current Family option to log details of a former student's spouse and children.

To log family details, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Pupil Manager module, select the Former Students tab.
  2. Search and select a student record to work with, go to the right hand menu and select Current Family.
  3. Select the Spouse tab and complete the fields in the Spouse Details section:
  4. Use the Other Information section to log the spouse's:
    • Date of Birth.
    • Date of Death.
    • Category. Choose to categorise the spouse. For example, list spouses as former students or staff. Use the category to search for former students at a later date. Click the add icon to add a new option to the drop-down list.
  5. Either:
    • Click Update Data to save the new data.
    • Click Reload Record to refresh the record with the last saved data.
    • Click Mark as Ex, if required. Former partners are listed in the Spouse History tab.
  6. Select the Children tab and complete the fields displayed:
  7. Either:
    • Click Update Data to save the new data.
    • Click Reload Record to refresh the record with the last saved data.

Click the edit icon to edit children's details.

Click the delete icon to delete children's details.