Sales invoice timeline

This functionality is only available once you have switched to our new design.
Please read 'Take a look at our new design' for further details.

The invoice timeline helps you track and manage each step of invoicing your customers, from creation to payment. The timeline is displayed at the head of each invoice.

screenshot of the sales invoice timeline in IRIS Kashflow completed

Time steps and statuses

  • Created: When you Save a new invoice the Created step is updated with today's date.

    screenshot of the sales invoice timeline in IRIS Kashflow created

  • Sent: When you Email an invoice to your customer the Sent step is updated with today’s date.

    screenshot of the sales invoice timeline in IRIS Kashflow sent 

    The status for sent emails may take a few minutes to update.

    Alternatively, Select Mark as sent from More actions to update the sent status.

    screenshot of the more action menu in the sales invoice timeline in IRIS Kashflow
  • Viewed: When your customer opens the email the Viewed step is updated with the date viewed.

    screenshot of the sales invoice timeline in IRIS Kashflow viewed

    Depending on the recipient's security tools, sent items can sometimes report as being viewed even when they haven't been, or conversely, may not appear as viewed despite having been seen by the recipient.

  • You can resend an invoice at any time by selecting Email. The Sent and Viewed statuses will only relate to the last sent email.

    You will be unable to use the viewed status if you have linked your own SMTP email address to IRIS KashFlow.

  • Unpaid: The status applied to any invoice that is unpaid and within the payment terms timescale.

  • Paid: The status applied to any invoice that is paid in full.

    screenshot of the sales invoice timeline in IRIS Kashflow paid

  • Part Paid: The status applied to any invoice that is partially paid within the payment terms timescale.

    screenshot of the sales invoice timeline in IRIS Kashflow part paid

  • Overpaid: The status applied to any invoice that is overpaid.

    screenshot of the sales invoice timeline in IRIS Kashflow overpaid

  • Overdue: The status applied to any invoice that has not been paid and has exceeded the payment terms timescale.

    screenshot of the sales invoice timeline in IRIS Kashflow overdue

  • Overdue - Part Paid: The status applied to any invoice that has been partially paid and has exceeded the payment terms timescale.

The full sales invoice timeline is only available on new invoices created on or after 22/08/2023