Create bank feeds matching rules

Transaction matching is a useful feature of IRIS Elements Cashbookthat allows you to automate the process of invoices, purchases, or transactions based on data imported from your bank feed.

You can create rules that specify certain criteria, such as the description of the transaction or the customer or supplier involved, and then IRIS Elements Cashbook will search for matching transactions and automatically create the necessary invoices, purchases, or transactions. In this way, transaction matching can save time and reduce errors.

To create custom rules to match bank feeds:

  1. Go to Banking > Banks

  2. For the appropriate account, from Bank Feeds select Import.

  3. Select Matching Rules.

  4. Select Create. The Creating a new rules screen displays.

  1. Complete the form to set the appropriate behaviour, then select Save.

System rules are matched first, followed by custom rules in the order they appear in the list.