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This view combines the basic posting view (idvFeesPosting) with the calculation of posting VAT (icvFeesPostingVAT) to give the posting details plus the aggregated VAT for the posting.
Please refer to icvFeesPostingVAT comments for the reasons why you should not use these views to deduce VAT liability (unless you take due note of posting types and your own VAT conventions).
This view is only suitable for advanced users. Amalgamation view - pulls together data from disparate sources for a prime entity.
Inherits columns from view idvFeesPosting plus:
The aggregated VAT element with the same sign convention as the posting amount |
The ex-VAT portion of the posting. |
NumVATPostings |
The number of separate VAT postings associated with the Fees posting. |
HighestVATRate |
The highest VAT rate associated with the Fees posting. |
This view is directly inherited by the following view: