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This view exposes the rows in TFPosting and TFInvoiceInfo that represent postings to fees ledger accounts.
Type = Base view suitable for advanced end user use
ClientObjectType | The object type of the client object that the account is for |
ClientInternalId | The internal id of the client object that the account is for |
Year | The year part of the fees period |
Period | The fees period number within the year |
Posting | Unique posting number within period |
Date | The posting date |
Type | The type of postings - see idvFeesPostingType |
PostCategory | The category of posting - see idvFeesPostingCategory |
Amount | The posting amount (credit negative) |
Matched | The currently matched amount (credit negative) |
Proforma | if the postings represent a proforma document then 'Y else 'N' |
Interim | if the postings represent an interim document then 'Y else 'N' |
StandingOrder | if the postings represent a standing order then 'Y else 'N' |
DirectDebit | if the postings represent a direct debit then 'Y else 'N' |
DiscountPresent | 'Y' if there are discount elements present, else 'N' |
VATAccounted | 'Y' if VAT has been accounted on a cash basis on a receipt or refund, else 'N' |
InDispute | 'Y' if the posting has been marked 'in dispute', else 'N' |
AffectsWIP | 'Y' if the posting affectes the time ledger, else 'N' |
Cancelled | 'Y' if the posting has been cancelled, else 'N' |
Contra | 'Y' if the posting is a contra balancing a cancelled posting, else 'N' |
Reversal | 'Y' if the posting has been cancelled, or is a contra and the balancing posting is in the same period, else 'N' |
WriteOutToYear | This, plus the next field, give the TIME ledger year and period into which write outs will be generated |
WriteOutToPeriod | See WriteOutToYear |
FinalisationCutoff | Cutoff date when considering invoices for finalisation |
Reference1 | The first reference on the posting |
Reference2 | The second reference on the posting |
CrossReference | The posting cross reference |
VATReference | If the posting generates a VAT document then this is the reference to use for it |
Narrative | User entered narrative on the posting |
Batch | The batch number (within period), if relevant |
AmountNotToWIP | Where the posting affects the time ledger, but there is an element of it that does not, then this and the next three columns give details of that element. Details are the amount, the VAT rate Id, the actual VAT rate and the VAT amount |
VATIdNotToWIP | See AmountNotToWIP |
VATRateNotToWIP | See AmountNotToWIP |
VATAmountNotToWIP | See previous |
CancelsYear | If the posting is a cancellation then this, and the next two columns, act as a foreign key to the posting that is cancelled |
CancelsPeriod | See CancelsPeriod |
CancelsPosting | See CancelsPeriod |
WhoPosted | The internal identifier of the staff member who made the posting |
WhenPosted | When the posting was actually made |
This view is directly inherited by the following views: