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This view shows the fees postings corresponding to invoices, credit notes and write offs by period, date, job, client and categorisation for the current and previous ledger year.
The basic figures are VAT inclusive, but the VAT amount is available within the view.
Each row returned by this view represents a bill against one job. The 'Total' columns represent the amounts on the fees ledger posting and will be replicated on each job that arises from the same fees invoice. Therefore you should be cautious about any arithmetic functions you apply to them.
This view obtains the job based figures by apportionment. It will differ from the sum total debtors position by the amount of any bill that has not been allocated against WIP (or, indeed any bills that have been posted as not affecting the time ledger).
It can also differ because of rounding discrepancies resulting from the apportionment of the billed amount across jobs that it writes time out for.
You can use view ibvFeesPostingFullRounding to establish the magnitude of discrepancies of this form.
Since this view is steered by the presence of postings, after any arithmetic there will be no rows present for accounts and/or period combinations that have no postings present. Absence of an expected row should be taken as implying zero figures.
This view is for use to get the fees ledger postings by client and job.
This view inherits columns from the following views:
Year |
The fees posting year |
Period |
The fees posting period in year |
Posting |
The unique posting number in period (to support logical primary keys for reporting services). |
Date |
The posting date |
CalendarYear |
Calendar year independent of period structure on ledger |
CalendarMonth |
Calendar month (1 = Jan, 2 = Feb etc.) |
Type |
Posting Type (invoices, etc.) |
PostTypeDesc |
Posting type in human readable form |
TotalIncVAT |
The overall VAT inclusive total for the fees posting |
TotalMatched |
The overall VAT inclusive matched amount for the fees posting |
TotalOutstanding |
The overall VAT inclusive unmatched amount for the fees posting |
TotalExVAT |
The overall VAT exclusive total for the fees posting |
TotalVAT |
The overall VAT total for the fees posting |
JobBilledIncVAT |
Amount billed to the job, including VAT. Note that this figure will be subject to rounding errors as a result of apportionment. |
JobMatchedIncVAT |
Amount matched to the job, including VAT. Note that this figure will be subject to rounding errors as a result of apportionment |
JobOutstandingIncVAT |
Amount outstanding for the job, including VAT. Note that this figure will be subject to rounding errors as a result of apportionment |
JobBilledExVAT |
Amount billed to the job, excluding VAT |
JobMatchedExVAT |
Amount matched to the job, excluding VAT. Note that this figure will be subject to rounding errors as a result of apportionment |
JobOutstandingExVAT |
Amount outstanding for the job, excluding VAT. Note that this figure will be subject to rounding errors as a result of apportionment |
Reference1 |
Reference 1 from the posting |
Reference2 |
Reference 2 from the posting |
CrossReference |
Cross reference from the posting |
Narrative |
User narrative from the posting |