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This view exposes the effects of rounding in view icvFeesPostingFull.
Basically the Fees Ledger gives an accurate figure for the VAT inclusive and exclusive amounts of (typically) a bill. When that bill writes out to more than one job the system only has the 'billed' amount for each job excluding VAT, the VAT inclusive figure must be calculated by apportionment.
Adding up the billed VAT and exc VAT from the write out details is subject
to the following:
If the bill has elements that do not write out time then the ex VAT figure from the fees ledger will be greater than the ex VAT figure from the write outs by the appropriate ex VAT amount.
Even if the ex VAT figures do agree the VAT inclusive invoice total may disagree with the VAT inclusive total deduced from the write out details as a result of rounding to pence at each individual apportionment.
This view exposes the fees postings (as year, period and posting number) and gives the original fees posting values and the deduced values so that you can identify any postings with non write out elements and have confidence in the level of rounding errors for the apportioned figures.
The original view (icvFeesPostingFull) does not filter the fees ledger postings in any way. Specifically it includes postings that don't affect WIP.
This view also does not filter the postings, but it is anticipated that you may wish to filter on 'affects WIP', or by posting type. So enough columns are included in the view to allow you to do this. However, the view does not include all the original posting details since the normal use is expected to be just to produce rounding totals to make the figures balance.
Since the view includes the client reference, you can join to client categorised in order to group your rounding amounts by any category you wish.
Although aggregation is not required on the original posting figures it is deemed clearer and better to aggregate them with a 'max' rather than including them in the group by list.
Type = End user business view, incorporating business logic
Year |
Fees posting year |
Period |
Fees posting period in year |
Posting |
Unique posting number in period (to support logical primary keys for reporting services). |
ClientObjectType |
See idvFeesPosting |
ClientInternalId |
See idvFeesPosting |
Type |
See idvFeesPosting |
Interim |
See idvFeesPosting |
AffectsWIP |
See idvFeesPosting |
Cancelled |
See idvFeesPosting |
Contra |
'Y' if the posting is a contra. This allows you to distinguish between a bill and a bill cancellation for example (other than by the sign of the amount). |
FeesVATInclusive |
The VAT inclusive total from the fees ledger |
FeesVATExclusive |
The VAT exclusive total from the fees ledger |
FeesMatched |
The currently matched amount (VAT inclusive) |
TimeVATInclusive |
The VAT inclusive total from the write outs |
TimeVATExclusive |
The VAT exclusive total from the write outs |