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This view shows the information within view idvOutstandingToDo joined to standard categorisation for any relevant client plus the staff members and jobs.
The full categorisation information on the staff member (ibvStaffCategorisation) is based on the staff member's 'to do'. The 'to do' is assigned to Job information (when relevant) and may be deduced via a linked job instance or a linked job stage.
This view is suitable for any user wanting access to outstanding 'to do' tasks in system with categorisation.
This view also Inherits columns from the following view:
JobId |
Visible identifier the job |
JobClientId |
Visible identifier of client associated with the job. Normally this will be the same as the client associated with the to do, but it could, in principle, be different |
JobType |
Visible identifier of job type of any related job |
JobTypeDescription |
Description of job type of any related job |
JobGroup |
Visible identifier of job group of any related job |
JobGroupDescription |
Description of job group of any related job |
JobPartner |
Visible identifier of partner associated with any related job |
JobPartnerName |
Name of partner associated with any related job |
JobPartnerBranch |
Visible identifier of the branch associated with the partner associated with any related job |
JobPartnerBranchDesc |
Description of the branch associated with the partner associated with any related job |
JobManager |
Visible identifier of manager associated with any related job |
JobManagerName |
Name of manager associated with any related job |
JobManagerBranch |
Visible identifier of the branch associated with the manager associated with any related job |
JobManagerBranchDesc |
Description of the branch associated with the manager associated with any related job |
AssignedBy |
Visible identifier of staff member who assigned the 'to do' item |
AssignedByName |
Name of staff member who assigned the 'to do' item |
CreatedBy |
Visible identifier of staff member who created the 'to do' item |
CreatedByName |
Name of staff member who created the 'to do' item |