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This view shows the name, category, partner, manager, branch and department for each staff name. This is collectively referred to as "the standard categorisation" for a staff member.
Where the data field is empty this is replaced by a "?" making it easier to identify.
This view is used by other views (see below), and is not intended for use by normal users on its own.
StaffInternalId |
The internal identifier of the Staff |
StaffId |
The user visible Staff identifier |
StaffTitle |
Staff member's title |
StaffInitials |
Staff member's initials |
StaffFirstName |
Staff member's forename(s) |
StaffSurname |
Staff member's surname |
StaffStartDate |
Staff member's start date (if specified, else this is empty and shown as a "?") |
StaffName |
The staff members name (bringing together some of the fields defined above in one data field) |
StaffCategory |
The visible identifier the staff category assigned to the staff member |
StaffCategoryDesc |
The description of the staff category assigned to the staff member |
StaffType |
The staff type - see icvStaffCategorised |
StaffPartner |
The visible identifier of the partner responsible for the staff member |
StaffPartnerName |
The name of the partner responsible for the staff member |
StaffManager |
The visible identifier of the manager responsible for the staff member |
StaffManagerName |
The name of the manager responsible for the staff member |
StaffBranch |
The branch assigned to the staff member |
StaffBranchDesc |
The branch description assigned to the staff member |
StaffDepartment |
The visible identifier of the department for the staff member |
StaffDepartmentDesc |
The description of the department for the staff member |
This view is directly inherited by the following views: