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This view presents the information within view ibvJobInstance joined to standard categorisation for the containing client and job
This view is suitable for any user wanting access to the current status of the jobs with categorisation.
This inherits the columns from the following views:
InternalId |
Internal identifier of the job instance - see idvJobInstance |
ClientObjectType |
Object type of the client (personal, business, or trust) for whom the work is done - see idvJobInstance |
ClientInternalId |
Internal identifier of the client for whom the work is done - see idvJobInstance |
PeriodStart |
Start date for period covered (if relevant) - see idvJobInstance |
PeriodEnd |
End date for period covered (if relevant) - see idvJobInstance |
StatutoryDeadline |
Any associated statutory deadline - see idvJobInstance |
ScheduledStart |
Scheduled start date - see idvJobInstance |
ScheduledComplete |
Scheduled completion date - see idvJobInstance |
CompletionLoggedBy |
Internal identifier of staff member who logged job completion - see idvJobInstance |
CompletionLogged |
Date completion of job logged - see idvJobInstance |
Status |
Status as recorded on the job instance table itself - see idvJobInstance |
StageInternalId |
The internal identifier of the latest completed job stage (if any) |
TemplateInternalId |
Internal identifier of the template (the originating profile) the job stage is derived from (if any) |
StageDue |
Any due date marked on the latest completed job stage (if any) |
StageCompleted |
Date the latest completed job stage was marked completed (if any) |
WhoCompletedStage |
Internal identifier of staff member who marked the latest completed job stage as completed (if any). |
StageDescription |
The description of the latest completed job stage (if any). If there is none then this will be 'No stages complete' |
StageSequence |
The sequence number of the latest completed job stage (within the job profile). If there is no completed job stage this is zero. |
SortableDescription |
The description of the latest completed job stage preceded by the stage sequence number (so that the column can be meaningfully used for sorting on) |
JobStatus |
The deduced status of the job:
JobStatusLogged |
If the job has been completed, or has a valid latest stage complete, then this is the date logged against the status |
JobStatusLoggedBy |
If the job has been completed, or has a valid latest stage complete, then this is internal identifier of the staff member who logged the status |
ToDoInternalId |
Internal identifier of any 'to do' item present. You can use the fact that this is not null as criteria for the existence of a 'to do' item. |
ToDoSubject |
Subject text for any 'to do' present |
ToDoPriority |
Priority text for any 'to do' present (see idvToDo) |
ToDoStatus |
Status of any 'to do' present (see idvToDo) |
ToDoDue |
Due date of any 'to do' present |
ToDoAssigned |
When any 'to do' present was assigned |
ToDoAssignedTo |
Identifier of staff member any 'to do' present is assigned to |
ToDoAssignedToName |
Name of staff member any 'to do' present is assigned to |
ToDoAssignedBy |
Identifier of staff member who assigned any 'to do' present |
ToDoAssignedByName |
Name of staff member who assigned any 'to do' present |
ToDoCompleted |
When any 'to do' present was completed |
ToDoStatusSet |
When the latest status was set on any 'to do' present |
ToDoStatusSetBy |
Identifier of staff member who set the latest status on any 'to do' present |
ToDoStatusSetByName |
Name of staff member who set the latest status on any 'to do' present |
This view is directly inherited by the following views: