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This view exposes the rows in ISOL1445 that represent individual instances of client jobs.
Type = Base view suitable for advanced end user use
InternalId | The internal identifier of the job instance |
ClientObjectType | The object type of the client object for whom the job is done |
ClientInternalId | The internal id of the client object for whom the job is done |
JobInternalId | The internal id of the parent job |
JobTypeInternalId | The internal identifier of the job type |
PeriodStart | The start date of the period that the instance applies to |
PeriodEnd | The end date of the period that the instance applies to |
StatutoryDeadline | Any associated statutory deadline |
ScheduledStart | Scheduled start date |
ScheduledComplete | Scheduled date for completion |
CompletionLoggedBy | Internal identifier of staff member who logged completion |
CompletionLogged | When job instance completion was logged |
Status | PND = Pending, PLN = Planning, SCH = Scheduled |
This view is directly inherited by the following views: