Question Editor


Personal Tax | Administration | e-Checklists | Edit e-Checklist questions

The question editor is used to change the wording of the questions and add additional sections to e-Checklists. These changes will affect all newly created e-Checklists.


Tax year

Click the drop-down arrow to select the appropriate tax year to edit the questions for.   

Section/Question list

The left-hand side of the screen displays a tree structure of all the sections and questions. Select an item in the tree to see the heading and text display in the right-hand side of the screen.

Sections and questions which have been set to ‘user defined’ display a pencil mark on the icon in the tree.


Default/User Defined

To customise a question or text, select User Defined and type the changes into the box then click Save.

Adding new Sections (and removing)

New sections can be added to e-Checklists. This is useful if you would like to ask all of the clients for some additional information which may not be based upon the clients’ previous year’s tax data.


To add a new section click Add Section:


Once added the new section heading and text can be modified in the right-hand side of the screen.